quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2012

Gendrome(MHFU)English Version

Race:Bird Wyvern
The alpha monster that leads a Genprey pack. They are larger and have more prominent crest. Found in the desert, they can paralyze prey using their fangs and claws.

Gendrome Element:None
Ailment´s that Gendrome may cause:StatusEffect29.pngParalysis
Gendrome Elemental Weakness:Water.pngWater,Ice.pngIce



Jump:The Gendrome jumps and tries to hit the hunter from above(may causeStatusEffect29.pngParalysis)
How often he uses:A lot
How to block:Roll,block or run away from the Gendrome
Counter-attack:After he lands attack him.

Bite:The Gendrome runs towards the hunters and tries to bite him
How often he uses:A lot
How to block:Roll or block
Counter-attack:After he bites attack him

Heavy bite:
The Gendrome will take a step backward while raising his head and front claws and then take a step forward and snap at the hunter.
(may causeStatusEffect29.pngParalysis)
How often he use:Few times
How to block:Roll or block
Counter-attack:After he jumps attack him

Evasion:The Gendrome jumps backwards or to the sides to evade the hunter attacks
How often he uses:Sometimes
How to block:This attack doesn´t need any block because it doesn´t cause any damage
Counter-attack:After he evades run after him and attack him
Damage:This attack doesn´t cause damage

Look-Around:The Gendrome stops and looks around for some seconds
How often he uses:Sometimes
How to block:This attack doesn´t need any block because it doesn´t cause any damage
Counter-attack:While he looks around attack him
Damage:This attack doesn´t cause damage


If you know an attack that I have forgotten to tell me on the comments so I can add it.

Próxima mensagem/Next message:Ioprey(MHFU)Versão em Português 

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