segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2012

Velociprey(MHFU) English Version

Raça:Wyvern Passáro

Aggressive, carnivorous monsters that often travel in packs. Even a master hunter should take care not to become surrounded! Wide ranging, they are found in many different areas, such as the Jungle or Forest and Hills.
Velociprey Element:None
Ailment´s that Velociprey may cause:None
Velociprey Elemental Weakness:ThunderThunder



Jump:The Velociprey jumps and tries to hit the hunter from above.

Bite:The Velociprey runs towards the hunter and tries to bite him.


If you know an attack that I have forgotten to tell me on the comments so I can add it.

Próxima mensagem/Next message:Velocidrome(MHFU)Versão em Português

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